Sunday, July 19, 2009

Baby Shower in the Land O' Love

My mom and my sister threw me a baby shower in Loveland this weekend.
Who knew the fishbowls from our wedding would make it out for so many events in the future! I loved these as centerpieces!
It was a gorgeous day out so we were lucky enough to be outside.
They had prepared all kinds of food including green eggs...and ham roll ups going with our Seuss theme.
Danelle, Sharon, Beth, me...and Jody on the other side of the table.
Then Shirley, Wilma, Natae and backs to us Tammy and fun to have so many family friends together!
Mom and Kate had some fun games to play...I did not do so well on the baby name game...guess I have not kept up on the popular names which should tell you all something!
Danelle and Beth always with the creativity gave me a pirate's "booty" chest full of supplies for the mom's and baby's booty...SO cute!
Danelle was QUITE the trooper seeing as she had had her gallbladder out 3 days before! She has given me so much baby stuff since she has THREE little ones under three!
Sharon, my high school pricipal/student council advisor/friend.
Kate and my aunt Tammy...somehow we NEVER got a pic of Kate, mom and me :(
me and 3 generations of Swansons...Natae is one of my oldest friends going back about 22 years now!!
Thanks ladies for a great Kim I just wish your prediction of the baby the day after the shower had come true!!!

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