Saturday, February 4, 2012

SNOW day!

We had a big snow storm that Cohen was so excited to wake up and see. Here he is looking out the window in our bedroom.

 "there's lots and lots and lots mommy"

 he couldn't wait to get outside in it, even it if meant helping to clear off the deck of all of the heavy snow
 with the size of his little rake it would probably only take him about 5 days
 but he still had tons of fun
 And wouldn't you know, the afternoon of the big snow storm is also when I hosted Brooke's shower for baby girl Chesebro. Since it was baby #2 and she didn't need much we did a frozen meal or restaurant gift card shower. I love this idea and stole it from another friend's baby #2 shower.
It looks like we coordinated outfits for the event!
 after the shower we took Cohen for some sledding, a lot of the snow had already started to melt and blow away
 he still had a blast
 Sam even got in a few runs

 and the classic family shadow shots

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