Thursday, October 22, 2009

New Friend Paully

Our friend Paul...or as we call him Paully...sent Cohen a gift from Scotland.
When we were in Scotland a few years ago I would make Sam and Paul stop all of the time to take pictures of the Highland Cows because I thought they were so cute.
So naturally Paully found a stuffed one for Cohen, which we have named Paully due to the crazy amounts of red hair they each have (see above pic for proof).

Cohen LOVES Paully!! He grips on to the horns and the shaggy hair and will NOT let go! We find little red hairs stuck to his hands for hours afterward.

This is how he was introduced to Cohen by Paul "Dear Cohen, Welcome to the world! Mostly it's a good place, and you'll have a great mom and dad to look after you, but already you'll know what it is like for the Red Sox to let you down. Get used to it. Enclosed is a cow. It's hairier than your average cow and you will probably have to visit Scotland to see a real one. You may not have heard of Scotland yet. It's a bit like America but smaller and better. Scottish people are famous for drinking, fighting, having red hair and inventing things. Mostly we invent things to help us to drink and fight people who don't have red hair better..."
Don't worry little and dad will introduce you to Scotland!!

1 comment:

Brea said...

So, what you're telling Auntie Mimi is...Cohen loves Longhorns! University of Texas class of 2031? PS - Those cows are awesome!